1. Cell membrane is permeable
2. Plasma membrane is impermeable to pigment
3. Plasma membrane and cell wall are permeable
4. Both plasma membrane and cell wall are impermeable
Plasma membrane is impermeable to pigment
1. absorption of food
2. conduction of sap
3. spore dispersal
4. to provide support
spore dispersal
1. archegonia
2. lack of vascular tissue
3. antheridia
4. Sperms.
lack of vascular tissue
1. Zinc chloride
2. Phloroglucinos
3. Methyl blue
4. Sudan IV
Zinc chloride
1. spore mother cell
2. gametes
3. sperms
4. meiospores
spore mother cell
1. Angiosperms
2. Bryophytes
3. Algae
4. Gymnosperms
1. Riccia
2. Marchantia
3. Anthoceros
4. Funaria
1. Paraphysis
2. Oospore
3. Archegonium
4. Artheridum
1. apogamy
2. parthenogenesis
3. apospory
4. sporogenesis
1. oppositely
2. spirally
3. opposite and decussate
4. None of the above.