1. Kogl
2. Fischer
3. Miller
4. Lederberg and tatum
1. Gamete formation
2. Vegetative reproduction
3. Zygospore germinationx
4. Conjugation
Zygospore germinationx
1. Isomerases
2. Zymases
3. Isoenzymes
4. Coenzymes
1. Conjugation
2. Isogamy
3. Anisogamy
4. Oogamy
1. Decarboxylase
2. Dehydrogenase
3. Protease
4. Lipase
1. Hypnospore
2. Palmella stage
3. Akinetes
4. All the above.
All the above.
1. Colloidal
2. Used up in the biochenmical reaction
3. Affected by the change in temperature
4. Lawers the activation energy
Used up in the biochenmical reaction
1. An enzyme inhibitor
2. Highly reactive state of enzyme
3. An inactive state of enzyme
4. Complex formed of enzyme and substrate
An inactive state of enzyme
1. Transferase
2. Isomerase
3. Lyases
4. Isomerase
1. only one filament
2. two filament
3. many filament
4. None of the above.
only one filament