1. Haploid
2. Polyploid
3. Diploid
4. None of the above.
1. Reaches a maximum then decreases
2. Reaches a minimum then decreases
3. Increases
4. Decreases
Reaches a maximum then decreases
1. In association with an apoenzyme
2. Independently of the apoenzyme
3. In association with a vitamin
4. In association with a protein
In association with an apoenzyme
1. in rainy season
2. during unfavourable conditions
3. during favourable conditions
4. None of the above.
during unfavourable conditions
1. Photosynthesis
2. Contractile vacuoles
3. Neuromotor apparatus
4. Pyrenoids.
Neuromotor apparatus
1. isogamy
2. anisogamy
3. parthenogenesis
4. None of the above.
1. Ectocarpus
2. Chara
3. Spirogyra
4. Ulothrix
1. gametes are morphologically similar but physiologically dissimilar
2. gametes are morphologically similar
3. gametes are unequal
4. None of the above.
gametes are morphologically similar but physiologically dissimilar
1. during favourable conditions
2. at the end of growing season
3. in winter
4. When conditions are dry.
at the end of growing season
1. Nucleases
2. Amylases
3. Lipase
4. Protease