1. Cortisol
2. Progesterone
3. Diosgenin
4. Estrogen
1. Potato
2. Pear
3. Pea
4. Phloem
1. Actinomycetes
2. Myxobacteria
3. Cyanobacteria
4. Eubacteria.
1. Steroid
2. Choleterol
3. Phospholopid
4. Cutin
1. Sphingolipids
2. Glycolipids
3. Phospholipids
4. Sterol
1. Sewage disposal
2. Ripening of cheese
3. Nitrogen fixation
4. Precipitation
1. Diplococcus
2. Acetobacter aceti
3. Staphylococcus
4. B. subtilis.
Acetobacter aceti
1. t- RNA
2. m- RNA
3. RNA
4. None of the above
t- RNA
1. RNA and histones
2. Histones and non-histones
3. A single standed DNA
4. A double stranded DNA.
A double stranded DNA.
1. Rhizobium
2. Sod.chloride
3. Gypsum
4. Blue green algae.
Blue green algae.