1. Lactobacillus
2. Nitrosomonas
3. E.coli
4. Rhizobium
1. Protein synthesis
2. An adapter for attaching amino acid to mRNA template during protein synthesis
3. Messenger RNA codes to rRNA
4. None of the above
An adapter for attaching amino acid to mRNA template during protein synthesis
1. Fungi
2. Prokaryotes
3. Bryophytes
4. protisa
1. Gene
2. Chromosome
3. Cistron
4. Nucleotide
1. Exospores
2. Endospores
3. Aplanospores
4. Chlamydospores.
1. Oogonia
2. Ascogonia
3. Archegonia
4. Antheridia.
1. Iodine
2. Feulgen reaction
3. Rolish test
4. Lowery test
Feulgen reaction
1. presence of flagella
2. presence of 80 S Ribosome
3. presence of nucleoid
4. presence of phycobilisomes.
presence of nucleoid
1. Jacob and Wollman
2. Zinder and Lederberg
3. Lederberg and Tatum
4. Beadle and Tatum
Lederberg and Tatum
1. Covalent
2. Ionic
3. Hydrogen
4. Van der Waals