1. Buffer
2. Base
3. An acid
4. A hydrophobic substance
An acid
1. Peritichate
2. monotrichate
3. lophotrichate
4. amphitrichate.
1. Cell
2. Living system
3. Thermos flask
4. Blue green alga
Thermos flask
1. 100 µm
2. 100 µm
3. 100 A0
4. 1000 A0
100 A0
1. Synthesis of apoplasmic subsatnces
2. Synthesis of proplasmic substances
3. Metabolism which involves transfer of energy
4. All of above
All of above
1. transformation
2. transduction
3. mesomixis
4. conjugation
1. nucleus
2. nucleoid
3. nucleoli
4. nucleolus.
1. monotrichous
2. amphitrichous
3. cephalotrichous
4. peritrichous.
1. Food poisoning
2. Citurs canker
3. Denitrification
4. Vinegar formation.
Food poisoning
1. Purines
2. Pyrimidines
3. Amino acids
4. Peptones
Amino acids