1. Amoeba
2. Frog
3. Slime moulds
4. Mushroom
Slime moulds
1. Chlorophyll
2. Nucleus
3. Cell wall
4. Cytoplasm.
1. Organism
2. Organ system
3. Community
4. Biosphere
1. Population of individuals with similar genotypic and phenotypic traits
2. Population of one type
3. Population of interbreeding individualsx
4. Group of individuals occurring in a geographical area.
Population of interbreeding individualsx
1. Aggregation
2. Interaction
3. Equilibrium and change
4. All of these
All of these
1. Heat energy
2. Free energy
3. Light energy
4. Mechanical energy
Free energy
1. compete
2. interbreed
3. introgross
4. dexpress all the same genus
1. Heat energy
2. Light energy
3. Electric energy
4. Entropy
Light energy
1. Free energy
2. Heat energy
3. Light energy
4. Entropy
1. All molecules of life have not been found
2. The nature of the molecular organization is complex and not completely understood
3. Life molecules except a few understood
4. None of above
The nature of the molecular organization is complex and not completely understood