1. Isotype
2. Holotype
3. Paratypex
4. Neotype
1. heart disease
2. brain disease
3. hereditary disease of the embryo
4. All of above
5. None of these
hereditary disease of the embryo
1. Green Revolution
2. Yellow Revolution
3. White Revolution
4. Blue Revolution
Green Revolution
1. Dysteliology
2. Dermatology
3. Etiology
4. Chirology
1. a protein produced by Hordeun vulgare which is rich in lysine
2. a toxic molecule isolated from Gossypiun which reduced human fertility
3. a protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus, which prevents blood clotting
4. an antibiotic produced by a genetically engineered bacterium, Escherichia coli
a protein produced from transgenic Brassica napus, which prevents blood clotting
1. leptospirosis and bilharzia
2. malaria, amoebic dysentery and leptospirosis
3. bilharzia, infective hepatitis and diarrhoea
4. guinea worm infection, elephantiasis and amoebic dysentery
bilharzia, infective hepatitis and diarrhoea
1. Cellular level
2. Organismic level
3. Atomic level
4. Submicroscopic molecular level
Submicroscopic molecular level
1. interaction with the environment and progressive evolution
2. reproduction
3. growth and movement
4. responsiveness to touch
1. polio virus
2. AIDS virus
3. clostridium botulinum
4. Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus anthracis
1. cause far more casualties than chemical for conventional weapons
2. low cost weapons
3. are invisible
4. All of the above
All of the above