1. Charles Darwin
2. Karl Mobius
3. Earnst Haeckel
4. E.P. Odum
Karl Mobius
1. Classification
2. Taxonomy
3. Identification
4. Systematics
1. Nomenclatural type when the original material is missing
2. New species discovered by a scientist
3. Nomenclatural type from original material
4. One of two or more specimens cited by author
Nomenclatural type when the original material is missing
1. Aristole and Plato
2. J. Ray
3. Hutchinson
4. Mendel.
Aristole and Plato
1. Systematic
2. Classification
3. Key
4. None of these
1. (i-d), (ii-b), (iii-e), (iv-a)
2. (i-d), (ii-e), (iii-b), (iv-c)
3. (i-d), (ii-b), (iii-a), (iv-c)
4. (i-d),(ii-a), (iii-e), (iv-b)
(i-d), (ii-b), (iii-e), (iv-a)
1. Specimen from other locality
2. Typical specimen desiganated by author for
3. Incomplete specimen
4. Unpreserved specimen.
Typical specimen desiganated by author for
1. Robert Hooke
2. Knoll and Ruska
3. Louis Pasteur
4. Schwann and Schleiden
Knoll and Ruska
1. Specimen selected from original material for nomenclatural type when there is no holotype
2. Duplicate of holotype
3. Specimen cited by author without making one holotype
4. Specimen described alongwith holotype
Specimen selected from original material for nomenclatural type when there is no holotype
1. Euthenics
2. Eugenics
3. Eupthenics
4. Obsterics