1. Combined coenzyme and apoenzyme
2. Only prosthetic group
3. Only protein part
4. Cofactor
Combined coenzyme and apoenzyme
1. Competitive inhibition
2. Non-competitive inhibition
3. Non-competitive irreversibe inhibition
4. Allosteric inhibition
Non-competitive irreversibe inhibition
1. G1
2. G0
3. G2
4. S
1. G0-phase
2. M-phase
3. S-phase
4. Interphase
1. vessels
2. tracheids
3. fibres
4. parenchyma
1. Only a
2. Only b
3. Both a and b
4. Both b and c
Both a and b
1. Closing and opening of stomata
2. Photosynthesis
3. Intensity of light entering leaves
4. Change in green colour
Closing and opening of stomata
1. Weak gravitational pull
2. Transpiration pull
3. Lignified thick walls
4. Cohesion and adhesion
Cohesion and adhesion
1. Hydrolysis
2. Dephosphroylation
3. Oxidation
4. Decarboxylation
1. Decrease in O.P
2. Increase in osmotically active sugar
3. Rise in K+ level
4. Increase in water potential
Rise in K+ level