1. Plants with Calvin cycle
2. C4-Plants
3. All plants
4. Only in algae
1. Glycolate cycle
2. Calvin cycle
3. Bacterial photosynthesis
4. Glyoxylate cycle
Glycolate cycle
1. Genetic diversity
2. Community & ecosystem diversity
3. Species diversity
4. Diversity among the plants
Community & ecosystem diversity
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
1. Fe
2. Zn
3. Cu
4. Mg
1. Muscles
2. Nerves
3. Skin
4. Bone-marrow
1. Fungi
2. Parasites
3. Bacteria
4. Viruses
1. Membraneless mitochondria
2. Another name of mitochondria
3. Mitochondria without outer membrane
4. Mitochondria without inner membrane
Mitochondria without outer membrane
1. House - keeping genes
2. Jumping genes
3. Transporting genes
4. Stationary genes
Jumping genes
1. Peptone
2. Phosphoprotein
3. Lipoprotein
4. Chromoprotein