1. Anthoceros,Funaria and Spirogyra
2. Zygnema,Saprolegnia and Hydrilla
3. Fucus,Marsilea and Calotropis
4. Riccia,Dryopteris and Cycas
Riccia,Dryopteris and Cycas
1. Rhizopus
2. Physarum
3. Thiobacillus
4. Anabaena
1. there is no change in success rate of fertilization
2. there is high degree of sterility
3. one can conclude that the plant is apomictic
4. self fertilization is prevented
self fertilization is prevented
1. Pila globosa — pearl
2. Apis indica — honey
3. Kenia lacca — lac
4. Bombyx mori — silk
Pila globosa — pearl
1. Homeothermy
2. Toothless jaws
3. Functional post-anal tail
4. Ovoparity
1. can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds
2. have more than 90 per cent similar genes
3. look similar and possess identical secondary metabolites
4. have same number of chromosomes
can reproduce freely with each other and form seeds
1. Birds nest fungi and Pufballs
2. Pufballs and Claviceps
3. Peziza and Stink horns
4. Morchella and Mushrooms
Birds nest fungi and Pufballs
1. Post-anal tail — Octopus
2. Ventral Central nervous system — Leech
3. Pharyngeal gills slits absent in embryo — Chamaeleon
4. Ventral heart — Scorpion
Ventral Central nervous system — Leech
1. They are also called PPLO
2. They are pleomorphic
3. They are sensitive to pencillin
4. They cause disease in plants
They are sensitive to pencillin
1. Indian Congress of Biological Names
2. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
3. International Congress of Biological Names
4. Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature