1. Organims
2. Population
3. Family
4. Genus
1. Polygonum
2. Potamogeton
3. Carex
4. Typha
1. Symbiosis
2. Mutualism
3. Parasitism
4. Commensalism
1. Oxylophytes
2. Psammophyte
3. Halophyte
4. tropical trees
1. photoperiod
2. CO2content of the soil
3. porocity of the soil
4. water content of the soil
CO2content of the soil
1. Sea Dragon (Phyllopteryx) resembles sea weeds
2. Geometrid moth's caterpiller resembles small branches
3. Preying mantis looks like branches
4. Leaf insect (Phyllium) looking like a green leaf
Preying mantis looks like branches
1. Interspecific competition
2. Commensalism
3. Mutualism
4. Parasitism
Interspecific competition
1. Protocooperation
2. Commensalism
3. Mutualism
4. Amensalism
1. become tiny adults and leave few offspring
2. die
3. stop feeding
4. fail to become reproducing adults
become tiny adults and leave few offspring
1. shape and size
2. colour
3. action and attitude
4. Any of the above
Any of the above