1. Reacting with abiotic environment
2. Constitute a scoiological unit
3. Live a symbiotic life
4. Inhabit a desert
Reacting with abiotic environment
1. Eating fruits preserved in tin containers
2. Inhalation of seasonal pollen
3. Low temperature
4. Hot and humid environment
Inhalation of seasonal pollen
1. Centre of origin
2. Competitive ability
3. Place of its occurrence
4. Function at its place of occurrence
Function at its place of occurrence
1. It alters the local weather patterns
2. It speeds up nutrient recycling
3. It leads to soil erosion
4. It destroys the natural habitat of wild animal
It speeds up nutrient recycling
1. Epistasis
2. Homeostasis
3. Bioenergetics
4. Holocoenosis
1. Ecotone
2. Ecotype
3. Ecocline
4. Ecosystem
1. Primary producers
2. Carnivores
3. Primary consumers
4. secondary consumers
Primary consumers
1. Chaparral
2. Savannah
3. Tundra
4. Deciduous forest
1. Prosopis, tree, scrub
2. Saccharum, grass, forest
3. Shorea robusta, herb, tropical rain forest
4. Acacia catechu, tree, coniferous forest
Saccharum, grass, forest
1. Food level
2. Energy level
3. Trophic level
4. Earth level
Energy level