1. air only
2. air and soil
3. air, soil and water
4. air and water
air, soil and water
1. photochemical pollution
2. SO2 pollution
3. air pollution
4. thermal pollution
thermal pollution
1. Hydrocarbon
2. CO2
3. CO
4. SO2
1. SO2
2. SO2and NO2
3. CO2
4. O2
SO2and NO2
1. high concentration
2. low concentration
3. moderate concentration
4. neutral concentration
low concentration
1. skin diseases
2. bronchitis
3. blood cancer
4. blood pressure
1. Strontium-90
2. P-32
3. S-35
4. Ca-40
1. CO2
2. CO
3. Fluorocarbon
4. Methane
1. mature, stable cells
2. actively dividing cells
3. highly specialized cells
4. cells in which food is stored
actively dividing cells
1. treating effluents to remove injurious chemicals
2. rearing more fishes
3. cultivating useful water plants
4. spraying with DDT
treating effluents to remove injurious chemicals