1. Salvia
2. Vallisneria
3. Viola
4. Calotropis
1. Ficus
2. Calotropis
3. Magnolia
4. Agave
1. Coloured petals
2. Abundant nectar
3. Small size
4. Less pollen
Abundant nectar
1. Cleistogamy
2. Chasmogamy
3. Homogamy
4. Dichogamy
1. Pollen grains
2. Chromosomes
3. DNA
4. Genes
Pollen grains
1. Anemophilous flowers
2. Hydrophilous flowers
3. Entomophilous flowers
4. All the above types of flowers
Entomophilous flowers
1. Anemophily
2. Hydrophly
3. Chiropterophily
4. Zoophily
1. Gametogenesis
2. Sporogesesis
3. Anthesis
4. None of the above
1. Anthers mature after stigma
2. Anthers and stigmas mature at the same time
3. Anthers mature earlier than the stigma
4. Pollens of the same flower pollinates stigmas
Anthers mature earlier than the stigma
1. Air
2. Water
3. Birds
4. Wasps