1.  Extraperitoneal right adrenalectomy through either a flank or a posterior approach

2.  Suppression with 5 mg prednisone by mouth every other day

3.  Follow-up CT in 1 to 3 months

4.   Excisional biopsy through a laparoscopic approach

Correct Answer :

Follow-up CT in 1 to 3 months

Explanation :
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1.  Measured the weight of water given off by the plant

2.  Determined the weight of the pot used in the experiment

3.  More accurately weighed the tree at the beginning and at the end of the experiment

4.  Weighed the leaves shed in the four autumn seasons

Correct Answer :

Measured the weight of water given off by the plant

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Phytochrome

2.  Cytochrome

3.  Light

4.  None of the above

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Munch

2.  Dixon

3.  Krebs

4.  Calvin

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  The first step in management is arteriography

2.  If intractable congestive treatment with heparin is appropriate

3.  If prolonged ischemia has occurred, reperfusion should be accompanied by sodium bicarbonate

4.  Regardless of the period of ischemia, fasciotomy should be based on the postoperative findings

Correct Answer :

If intractable congestive treatment with heparin is appropriate

Explanation :
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1.  The intima

2.  The elastic lamina (internal and external)

3.  The media

4.   The adventitia

Correct Answer :

The media

Explanation :
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1.  Anastomic leak

2.  Esophageal stricture

3.  Recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula

4.  Gastoresophageal reflux

5.  Tracheomalacia requiring aortopexy

Correct Answer :

Gastoresophageal reflux

Explanation :
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1.  High-frequency jet ventilation

2.  Permissive hypercapnia with conventional pressure controlled ventilation

3.  Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

4.  Induced respiratory alkalosis

5.  Inhaled nitric oxide with conventional volume-controlled ventilation

Correct Answer :

Permissive hypercapnia with conventional pressure controlled ventilation

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Multicentricity

2.  Cirrhosis in the univolved liver

3.   Long-term survival if an unresectable tumor is subjected to cytoreductive chemotherapy

4.  Jaundice

Correct Answer :

Long-term survival if an unresectable tumor is subjected to cytoreductive chemotherapy

Explanation :
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1.  As the ureter runs through the paraectal space towards the perineum

2.  As the ureter enters the pelvis on the top of the bifurcation of the common iliac artery

3.  At the site of the ureter entering the bladder wall

4.  As the ureter runs under the uterine artery

Correct Answer :

As the ureter runs through the paraectal space towards the perineum

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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