1. The case fatality ratio
2. The crude death rate
3. The pathogenecity
4. The standardized mortality ratio
5. Prevalence
The case fatality ratio
1. Nothing more than the data provided
2. The age distribution of the population
3. The case fatality ratio
4. The duration of the clinical illness
5. The midyear population at risk
The midyear population at risk
1. The cure rate
2. The duration of illness
3. The number of cases at a given time
4. The number of losses to follow-up
5. The rate at which new cases developed
The number of cases at a given time
1. If the diagnosis is uncertain
2. If the disease is infectious
3. If the disease is serious
4. If the outbreak involves at least 10 people
5. Under all circumstances
Under all circumstances
1. The clinical features and methods of diagnosing the disease
2. The disease vector and reservoir
3. The exact location and timing of disease onset
4. The incubation period and pattern of disease transmission
5. The usual disease patterns and reporting practices
The usual disease patterns and reporting practices
1. Hyperkalemia,
2. Hyponatremia
3. Hypochloremia
4. Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic acidosis
1. The data in both data sets must be normally distributed
2. The data must not be skewed
3. The distribution of weight in the underlying population must be normal (gaussian)
4. The means of the two data sets must be equal.
The distribution of weight in the underlying population must be normal (gaussian)
1. A case control study of measles
2. A cross sectional survey of vaccination status
3. A randomized controlled trial of measles vaccination
4. A retrospective cohort study of measles vaccination
A cross sectional survey of vaccination status
1. Subjects who have no history of myocardial infarction
2. Subjects who were admitted to the hospital for noncardiac disease
3. Subjects whose age distribution is similar to that of cases
4. Subjects whose cardiac risk factors are similar to that of cases
Subjects whose cardiac risk factors are similar to that of cases
1. To confirm the alternative diagnosis
2. To distinguish between random and meaningful differences in outcome
3. To enhance the predictive value of a particular design
4. To establish the value of alpha
To distinguish between random and meaningful differences in outcome