1. Pore formation in skin
2. Loss of calcium from bones
3. Degeneration of cartilage pad
4. Abnormal granule formation in synovial fluid
Loss of calcium from bones
1. To provide surface for articulation
2. To allow movement of skull
3. To permit flexibility during parturition
4. To permit passage of fluid
To permit flexibility during parturition
1. Progesterone
2. Luteinizing hormone
3. Estrogen
4. Oxytocin
1. Hyaline cartilage
2. Fibro cartilage
3. Elastic cartilage
4. Calcified cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
1. Suture
2. Plane
3. Hinge
4. Ball and socket
1. Diarthroses
2. Syndesmoses
3. Synarthroses
4. Amphiarthrosis
1. Movement of body parts
2. Movement of appendages
3. Displacement of the whole body
4. All willful act of displacing the whole body from one place to another
All willful act of displacing the whole body from one place to another
1. Acromion process
2. Odontoid process
3. Zyansverse process
4. Transverse process
Odontoid process
1. Fibro cartilage
2. Elastic cartilage
3. Hyaline cartilage
4. Calcified cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
1. Coronal suture
2. Sagittal suture
3. Lambdoidal suture
4. Lateral suture
Lambdoidal suture