1.  A-casparian strips B-Protoxylem

2.  A-pitch B-Plasmodesmata

3.  A-Endodermis Bcasparian strips

4.  A-Endodermis B-Protoxylem

Correct Answer :

A-Endodermis B-Protoxylem

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Ringing experiment for translocation of sap

2.  Demonstration of root pressure

3.  Eosin test to demonstrate ascent of sap

4.  None of the above

Correct Answer :

Ringing experiment for translocation of sap

Explanation :
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1.  Eosin test to demonstrate ascent of sap

2.  Demonstration of transpiration

3.  Demonstration of root pressure

4.  Demonstration of photosynthesis

Correct Answer :

Eosin test to demonstrate ascent of sap

Explanation :
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1.  Demonstration of root pressure

2.  Eosin test to demonstrate ascent of sap

3.  Eosin test to demonstrate root pressure

4.  Demonstration of transpiration

Correct Answer :

Eosin test to demonstrate root pressure

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  demonstration of development of suction force due to transpiration

2.  measuring the rate of transpiration

3.  demonstration of ascent of sap

4.  demonstration of anaerobic respiration

Correct Answer :

measuring the rate of transpiration

Explanation :
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1.  A-Guard cells B-Stoma C-Chloroplasts D-Subsidiary cells

2.  A-Subsidiary cells B-Chloroplasts C-Stoma D-Guard cells

3.  A-Guard cells B-Chloroplasts C-Stoma D-Subsidiary cells

4.  A-Subsidiary cells B-Stoma C-Chloroplasts D-Guard cells

Correct Answer :

A-Subsidiary cells B-Chloroplasts C-Stoma D-Guard cells

Explanation :
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1.  measuring the rate of transpiration

2.  the demonstration of development of suction force due to transpiration

3.  the demonstration of anaerobic respiration

4.  the demonstration of ascent of sap

Correct Answer :

the demonstration of development of suction force due to transpiration

Explanation :
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1.  A-Guard cell B-Epithem C-Mesophyll D-Epidermis E-Vasculature

2.  A-Guard cell B-Epidermis C-Mesophyll D-Epithem E-Vasculature

3.  A-Water pore B-Epidermis C-Mesophyll  D-Epithem E-Vasculature

4.  A-Ostiole B-Epidermis C-Mesophyll D-Epithem  E-Vasculature

Correct Answer :

A-Guard cell B-Epidermis C-Mesophyll D-Epithem E-Vasculature

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.  Porometer

2.  Ganong’s potometer

3.  Osmometer

4.  Wilmott’s bubbler

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Potometer

2.  ganong’s potometer

3.  Darwin’s potometer

4.  Wilmott’s bubbler

Correct Answer :

ganong’s potometer

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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