1. kidney
2. liver
3. pituitary
4. pancreas
1. haematuria
2. haemoglobinuria
3. glucosuria
4. albuminuria
1. ammonia
2. urea
3. uric acid
4. None of these
1. Angiosperm
2. Gymnosperm
3. Pteridophyta
4. Both (B) and (C)
Both (B) and (C)
1. 90 lit/day
2. 170 lit/day
3. 190 lit/day
4. 200 lit/day
170 lit/day
1. form urine
2. maintain a constant fluid environment in which cells are bathed
3. remove toxic substances from the body and expel extra fluid
4. All of above
All of above
1. no nitrogen is utilized
2. nitrogen intake exceeds excretion
3. nitrogen intake is less than nitrogen excretion
4. nitrogen intake equals excretion
nitrogen intake is less than nitrogen excretion
1. Root
2. Stem
3. Leaf
4. Flower
1. Gallus
2. Pigeon
3. Scorpion
4. Honey bee
1. in Bowman's capsule
2. around anterior tubules
3. around loop of Henle
4. not found
in Bowman's capsule