1. Apophyses
2. Phalanges
3. Tarsomeres
4. Tarsals
1. Jointed appendages
2. Setae
3. Tube feets
4. Parapodia
Jointed appendages
1. Skin is tiger spotted
2. Frog resembles tiger
3. Frog is a prey of tiger
4. Frog and tiger are interelated
Skin is tiger spotted
1. Labrum
2. Labium
3. Hyoid apparatus
4. Maxilla
1. Prostomium
2. Pharynx
3. Buccal cavity
4. All of these
All of these
1. Supra-pharyngeal ganglia
2. Sub-pharyngeal ganglia
3. Circumpharyngeal connectives
4. Nerve cord
Circumpharyngeal connectives
1. Spherical
2. Oval
3. Kidney
4. Disc
1. Acts as an organ of olfaction
2. Are useful in localizing the food material
3. Are useful for locomotion
4. Both (A) and (B)
Both (A) and (B)
1. Histocyte
2. Leucocytes
3. Lymphocyte
4. Nephrocytes
1. Salivary glands
2. Salivary receptacles
3. Salivary sacs
4. None of these
Salivary receptacles