1. Genetic disorder
2. Infectitious disease
3. Occupational disease
4. Metabolic disorder
Genetic disorder
1. Erythroblastosis foetalis-X linked
2. Down’s syndrome-44 autosomes+XO
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome-44 autosomes+XXY
4. Colour blindness-Y-linked
Klinefelter’s syndrome-44 autosomes+XXY
1. Monogamous
2. Heterozygous
3. Hemizygous
4. Homozygous
1. The gene responsible for the character is present on the Y chromosome only
2. The female sex hormone estogen suppresses the character in females
3. The character is induced in males as males produce testosterone
4. The gene responsible for the character is recessive in femles and dominant only in males
The gene responsible for the character is present on the Y chromosome only
1. Homozygous condition of the F1 dihybrid
2. 4 different types of gametes produced by the F1 dihybrid
3. 4 different types of gametes produced by the P1 parent
4. 4 different types of F1 generation dihybrids
4 different types of gametes produced by the F1 dihybrid
1. Mutuation
2. Non disjunction
3. Duplication
4. Deletion
1. 50% of the sons will have hemophilia
2. 50% of the daughters will have hemophilia
3. All the sons will have haephilia
4. All the daughters will have hemophilia
50\% of the sons will have hemophilia
1. Tendrils
2. Leaf apex
3. Root apex
4. Stem apex
1. 3
2. 4
3. 9
4. 6
1. 20
2. 38
3. 39
4. 19