1. Penguin is homeothermic, while the remaining three are poikilothermic
2. Leech is a fresh water from, while all others are marine
3. Spongilla has special collar cells called choanocytes, which are not found in the remaining three
4. All are bilaterally symmetrical animals
Spongilla has special collar cells called choanocytes, which are not found in the remaining three
1. Cellular level of organization
2. Presence of ostia
3. Intracellular digestion
4. Body supported by chitin
5. Indirect development
Body supported by chitin
1. Earth worm
2. Round worm
3. Coelenterates
4. Sponges
1. Spongilla
2. Sycon
3. Euplectella
4. Cliona
5. Proterion
1. Jelly fish
2. Spoges
3. Helminthes
4. Echinoderms
1. Thesocytes
2. Pinacocytes
3. Cnidocytes
4. Archaeocytes
1. Spicules
2. Spongin fibres
3. Tentacles
4. Holdfast
Spongin fibres
1. Cliona
2. Euspongia
3. Hyalonema
4. Spongilla
1. Archaeocytes
2. Porocytes
3. Trophocytes
4. Myocytes
1. Tropocytes
2. Myocytes
3. Archaeocytes
4. Cnidocytes