1. Monosaccate
2. Bisaccate
3. Trisaccate
4. Nonsaccate
1. Production of seeds from ovules
2. Lack of xylem tracheieds
3. Absence of pollen tubes
4. Formation of endosperm before fertilization
Formation of endosperm before fertilization
1. Bitegmic
2. Unitegmic
3. Naked
4. Both (b) and (c)
Both (b) and (c)
1. Bacteria
2. Colloids
3. Dissolved solids
4. Suspended solids
Suspended solids
1. Stem
2. Root
3. Leaflet
4. Rachis and leaflet
Rachis and leaflet
1. Gnetum
2. Cycas
3. Ginkgo
4. Both (b) and (c)
Both (b) and (c)
1. Porous wood
2. Manoxylic wood
3. Phycnoxylic wood
4. Ring porous wood
Manoxylic wood
1. 3:2
2. 3:1
3. 2:1
4. 2:3
1. Hepatitis-B
2. Jaundice
3. Cholera
4. Typhoid
1. Their pigments
2. Excretion of coloured substances
3. Formation of coloured chemicals in water facilitated by physiological degradation of algae
4. Absorption of light by algal cell wall
Their pigments