1. Lept sporangiate
2. Eusporangiate
3. Heterosporangiate
4. Monosporangiate
Lept sporangiate
1. Circinate venation
2. Reticulate venation
3. Parallel venation
4. None of these
Circinate venation
1. Dioecious
2. Monoecious sporophyte
3. Monoecious gametophyte
4. None of the above
Monoecious gametophyte
1. Archegonia
2. Antheridia
3. Sporangia
4. Both (a) and (b)
1. Require presence of water for fertilization
2. Do not need sunlight for photosynthesis
3. Depend for their nutrition on microorganisms, which can survive only at low temperature
4. Cannot compete with sun-loving plant
Require presence of water for fertilization
1. Selaginella
2. Equisetum
3. Puccinia
4. Rhizopus
1. Spores
2. Leaves
3. Fronds
4. Rhizomes
5. Both (b) and (d)
1. Ligule
2. Velum
3. Rhizophore
4. Glossopodium
1. Bryophyte
2. Pteridophyte
3. Gymnosperm
4. Angiosperm
1. Vascularization
2. terrestrial habit
3. Water for fertilization
4. Independent sporophyte
Water for fertilization