1. Funaria
2. Pogonatum
3. Porella
4. Sphagnum
1. Funaria
2. Cycas
3. Selaginella
4. Zea mays
1. Male flower
2. Female head
3. Meal cone
4. Female cone
Male flower
1. Is partially parasitic on the gametophyte
2. Produces gametes the give rise to the gametophyte
3. Arises from a spore produced from the gametophyte
4. Manufactures food for itself, as well as for the gametophyte
Is partially parasitic on the gametophyte
1. It is easily available
2. It is Hygroscopic
3. It reduces transpiration
4. It serves as a disinfectant
It is Hygroscopic
1. Calyptra
2. Protonema
3. Apophysis
4. Operculum
1. Riccia
2. Funaria
3. liverworts
4. Marchantia
1. Stem
2. Leaves
3. Capsule
4. Apophysis
1. Unicellular smooth
2. Mullticellular smooth
3. Unicellular smooth and tuberculated
4. Mullticellular smooth and tuberculated
Unicellular smooth and tuberculated
1. Phaneros – Visible
2. Krypto – Concealed
3. Gymno – Naked
4. Bryon – Liverworts
5. Trachea – Windpipe
Bryon – Liverworts