1. Ciliary muscles
2. Rough muscles
3. Soft muscles
4. Muscles without cilia
Ciliary muscles
1. On the back of the retina
2. Above the retina
3. In front of the retina
4. Below the retina
In front of the retina
1. Alter the size of pupil
2. Move the lens
3. Close the lens
4. Secrete aqueous humour
Alter the size of pupil
1. Sex- linked genetic disorder
2. Defect in lens
3. A gene mutation
4. Chromosomal mutation
Sex- linked genetic disorder
1. Red and green
2. Red and yellow
3. Blue and black
4. Green and blue
Red and green
1. Fovea lutea
2. Canalis centralis
3. Macula lutea
4. Corpus luteum
Macula lutea
1. Fovea centrails
2. Cannalis luteum
3. Macula lutea
4. Corpus luteum
Macula lutea
1. Malleus
2. Incus
3. Stapes
4. Cochlea
1. Volume of sound
2. Position of the body
3. Frequency of sound waves
4. Air pressure in the pharynx
Position of the body
1. Balance of the body
2. Hearing
3. Intelligence
4. Balance and hearing
Balance and hearing