1. Cyanobacteria;many of these compounds prevent nitrogen fixation
2. Phytoplankton;many of these compounds halt photosinthesis
3. primary consumers; they consume primary producers containing the compounds
4. Top_levels carnivores; the biomass at any given trophic level is produced from alarger biomass ingested at the level below
Top_levels carnivores; the biomass at any given trophic level is produced from alarger biomass ingested at the level below
1. A surface exposed by a retreating glacier
2. Abondoned farmland
3. An abandoned city
4. A neglected yard
A surface exposed by a retreating glacier
1. Comoetition is more intense on the newer island
2. Predation is loss of afactor on older islands
3. The extinction rate is higher on the newer island
4. The intensity of both competition and predation is less on the newer island
The intensity of both competition and predation is less on the newer island
1. The closer an island is to the mainland ,the fewer the number of spices found on the island
2. The farther an island is from the mainland. the fewer the number of spices found on the island.
3. The farther an island is from the mainland. the larger the number of spices found on the island.
4. The closer an island is from the mainland. the fewer the number of spices found on the island;and the farther an island is from the mainland.the larger the number of speices found on the island
The farther an island is from the mainland. the fewer the number of spices found on the island.
1. the factors of that limit population growth
2. their birth rate
3. the size of area,in which they live
4. their population growth rate
the size of area,in which they live
1. random
2. density-dependent
3. equilibrium
4. clumped
1. Night blindness
2. Red blindness
3. Green blindness
4. Red and green blindness.
Green blindness
1. genetic,species,biome
2. molecular,species,biome
3. genetic,population,ecosystem
4. genetic,species,ecosystem
1. Predator
2. Prey
3. Parasite
4. Host
1. Man
2. Crow
3. Rat
4. Both (a) and (b)
Both (a) and (b)