1.  More in males than females

2.  More in females than males

3.  Same in both males and females

4.  May be (a) or (b),dependent on fertilization

Correct Answer :

Same in both males and females

Explanation :
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1.  Immunogenicity and specificity are two characteristics of an antigen

2.  The specific immune responses consists of humeral and cellular immunity

3.  B-cells are responsible for humeral immunity and T-cells immunity

4.  Humeral immunity is mediated by immunoglobulin’s

Correct Answer :

B-cells are responsible for humeral immunity and T-cells immunity

Explanation :
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1.  Structure of immunoglobulin’s

2.  Structure of IgG

3.  Chemical structure of IgG

4.  Structure of IgG

5.  Structure of IgE

Correct Answer :

Structure of IgG

Explanation :
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1.  Rodney portar

2.  G Edelman

3.  Heny Bence Jones

4.  Robin Valentine

Correct Answer :

Heny Bence Jones

Explanation :
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1.  Light chains only

2.  Heavy chains only

3.  A part of light and heavy chains both

4.  Light chains and disulphide hinge

Correct Answer :

A part of light and heavy chains both

Explanation :
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1.  Complete antibody molecule

2.  Fab part of the antibody

3.  Fc part of the antibody

4.  Antibodies are related to it

Correct Answer :

Fc part of the antibody

Explanation :
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1.  Antibody

2.  Antigen

3.  Mutagen

4.  Carcinogen

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Antibodies

2.  Antigens

3.  Histamine

4.  All of these

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Molecule that specifically inactivates an antigen

2.  WBC, which invades bacteria

3.  Secretion of mammalian RBC

4.  Component of blood

Correct Answer :

Molecule that specifically inactivates an antigen

Explanation :
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1.  Leucocytes obtained from animal

2.  Antibodies produced in other animals

3.  Antibodies

4.  Actual weakened germs or attenuated small pox virus

Correct Answer :

Actual weakened germs or attenuated small pox virus

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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