1. Unrelated mating
2. Consanguinous mating
3. Affected parents
4. Siblings
5. Non-identical twins
Consanguinous mating
1. Colour blindness
2. Sickle cell anaemia
3. Blood group
4. Phenylketoneufla
Blood group
1. A recessive gene responsible present in the X chromosome
2. A dominant gene responsible present in the autosomal chromosome
3. A responsible dominant gene present in the Y chromosome
4. A responsible domiant gene present in the autosomal chromosome
A recessive gene responsible present in the X chromosome
1. Dihybrid cross
2. Monohybrid cross with complete dominance
3. Monohybrid cross with incomplete dominance
4. Co-dominance
Monohybrid cross with incomplete dominance
1. zero per cent
2. 25%
3. 50%
4. 100%
zero per cent
1. P=4,Q=4
2. P=4,Q=8
3. P=8,Q=4
4. P=8,Q=8.
1. TT x TT
2. TT x tt
3. Tt x Tt
4. Tt x tt
Tt x tt
1. 9/16
2. 3/16
3. 2/16
4. 1/16
1. Incomplete dominance
2. Partial dominance
3. Complete dominance
4. Codominance
1. It is a recessive disease
2. It is a dominant disease
3. A single protein involved in the clotting of blood is affected
4. It is a sex-linked disease
It is a dominant disease