1. influx of Na+ ions
2. influx of Ca+ ions
3. influx of Na+ and K+ ions
4. start of original impulse
influx of Ca+ ions
1. 10%
2. 20%
3. 30%
4. 40%
1. Medulla oblongata
2. Cerebral peduncle
3. Vagus nerve
4. Cerebellum
Medulla oblongata
1. Hippocampus
2. Corpus callosum
3. Corpus albicans
4. Corpora quadrigeminum
Corpora quadrigeminum
1. Unipolar
2. Bipolar
3. Pseudo- unipolar
4. multipolar
1. Blood vascular system
2. Nervous system
3. Endocrine system
4. Nervous and Endocrine system
Nervous and Endocrine system
1. Transports Na+ and K+ out of the neuron
2. Transports Na+ into the neuron and K+ out
3. Transports K+ into the neuron and Na+ out
4. Transports Na+ and K+ into the neuron
Transports K+ into the neuron and Na+ out
1. 10 times higher inside the cell than outside
2. 10 times higher outside the cell than inside
3. 30 times higher inside the cell than outside
4. 30 times higher outside the cell than inside
10 times higher outside the cell than inside
1. Na+ into the cell
2. Na+ out of the cell
3. K+ into the cell
4. K+ and Na+ out of the cell
Na+ into the cell
1. Excess of choloride ions inside
2. Excess of protein ions inside
3. Na+ ions outside
4. K+ ions inside
Na+ ions outside