1.  Degree of ability to learn

2.  Degree of inability to learn

3.  Constancy of response to repeated presentation of the same stimulus

4.   Randomeness of response to repeated presentation of the same stimulus

Correct Answer :

Degree of ability to learn

Explanation :
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1.  Dendrites

2.  Nucleus

3.  Myelin sheath

4.  Axon

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Is rich in lipids because it is formed by the membranes of Schwann cells

2.  Is a secretory product of the Schwann cells

3.  Is produced inside the axon and extruded out through the membrane

4.  Is continuous all along the length of the axon

Correct Answer :

Is rich in lipids because it is formed by the membranes of Schwann cells

Explanation :
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1.  Left somatic sensory area

2.  Left occipital lobe

3.  Right somatic sensory area

4.  Right occipital lobe

Correct Answer :

Left somatic sensory area

Explanation :
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1.  Changing the size of its action potentials

2.  Changing the speed at which its action potentials travel

3.  Releasing different types of neurotransmitters

4.  Transmitting different numbers of nerve impulses in a given time period

Correct Answer :

Transmitting different numbers of nerve impulses in a given time period

Explanation :
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1.  Foramen magnum

2.  Foramen opali

3.  Foramen of Monro

4.  Optic foramen

Correct Answer :

Foramen of Monro

Explanation :
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1.   To present brain against any infection

2.  To absorb any shock or jerk to brain or spinal cord

3.  For easy communication of brain and spinal cord and provide nutrition

4.  For lubrication of brain

Correct Answer :

To absorb any shock or jerk to brain or spinal cord

Explanation :
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1.  Optic foramen

2.  Cribiform plate apertures

3.  Sphenoid foramen

4.  Foramen lecerum

Correct Answer :

Optic foramen

Explanation :
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1.  Ear drum

2.  Ear canals

3.  Skin of nose, orbit and snout

4.  Eye muscles

Correct Answer :

Eye muscles

Explanation :
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1.  Only sensory in nature

2.  Only motor in nature

3.  Both sensory and motor

4.  Inert

Correct Answer :

Both sensory and motor

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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