1. Study of human genetics
2. Controlling size of a human family
3. Improving of humankind by improving his heredity
4. Preserving human sperms for artificial insemination
Improving of humankind by improving his heredity
1. Red and white
2. Red and orange
3. Red and green
4. None of these
Red and green
1. Mc Clung
2. Mendel
3. Landsteiner
4. Morgan
1. Holandric genes
2. Basic genes
3. Pleiotropic genes
4. Polygenic genes
Holandric genes
1. Donor is Rh+ and recipient is Rh-
2. Donor is Rh- and recipient is Rh+
3. Donor and recipient both are Rh+
4. Donor and recipient have different kinds of haemoglobin
Donor is Rh+ and recipient is Rh-
1. All their sons will be colour blind
2. Half of their sons will be colourblind
3. All their daughters will be colourblind
4. None of their daughters will be colourblind
Half of their sons will be colourblind
1. 47 units
2. 88 units
3. 11 units
4. 5.75 units
11 units
1. ++20:ab 20:+a 20:+b 20
2. ++80:ab 20
3. ++50:ab 50
4. ++40:ab 40:+a 10:+b 10
++40:ab 40:+a 10:+b 10
1. 48 units
2. 12 units
3. 7 units
4. 5 units
12 units
1. Trans-configuration
2. Cis-configuration
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of these