1. trypanosoma
2. leishmania
3. latimeria
4. plasmodium
1. Test-cross
2. Back-cross
3. Monohybrid cross
4. Dihybrid cross
Monohybrid cross
1. paramecium
2. trypanosoma
3. entamoeba
4. protozoa
1. Duplicate genes
2. Lethal genes
3. Monohybrid vross
4. Dihybrid cross
Dihybrid cross
1. euglena
2. amoeba
3. paramecium
4. trypanosoma
1. Supplementary genes
2. Lethal genes
3. Complementary genes
4. Epistatic genes
Complementary genes
1. sporozoa
2. sarcodina
3. zooflagellate
4. slime moulds
1. out of the four micronuclei formed, three degenerate
2. out of six macronuclei formed , four degenerate
3. zygote nucleus undergoes eight successive division in each conjugant
4. out of 16 nuclei,only 4 degenerate
out of the four micronuclei formed, three degenerate
1. Capping
2. Selfing
3. Emasculation
4. Crossing
1. RRyy
2. Rryy
3. RrYy
4. RRYy