1. Oriental and Australian
2. Palaearctic and oriental
3. Nearctic and palaearctic
4. Neotropical and ethiopian
Palaearctic and oriental
1. Proboscis and palpi are long and and more or less of equal length
2. Proboscis long and palpi short
3. Proboscis short palpi long
4. Both Proboscis and palpi are short
Proboscis and palpi are long and and more or less of equal length
1. Amoeba
2. Entamoeba
3. Plasmodium
4. Trypanosoma
5. Paramecium
1. Wings of bat and birds
2. Hind limb of horse and wings of insects
3. Wings of insects and bat
4. None of the above
None of the above
1. Yellow fever
2. Sleeping sickness
3. Kalaazar
4. Hey fever
Sleeping sickness
1. Trophozoite
2. Sporozoites
3. Merozoite
4. None of these
1. Sporophytic
2. Autotrophic
3. Chemotrophic
4. Parasitic
1. Trophozoite stage
2. Binucleated cyst stage
3. Tetranucleated cyst stage
4. None of the above
Tetranucleated cyst stage
1. Contractile vacuole
2. Pseudopodia
3. Ectoplasm
4. Cytostome
Contractile vacuole
1. Omnivorous
2. Pseudopodia feeder
3. Holozoic nutrition
4. Photoautotroph