1. Mmycoplasma
2. Virus
3. Bacterua
4. Cyanobaceria
1. size of the egg
2. size of sperm
3. sex chromosome of the father
4. sex chromosome of the mother
sex chromosome of the father
1. testes
2. ovaries
3. kidney and liver
4. All of these
All of these
1. Nettie Stevens
2. MJD White
3. Robert Brown
4. Mendel
Nettie Stevens
1. strength of father
2. strength of mother
3. composition of required chromosome pair
4. None of the above
composition of required chromosome pair
1. XX chromosome
2. one Y-chromosome
3. X and Y-chromosome
4. one X-chromosome
one X-chromosome
1. XY chromosomes
2. one X-chromosomes
3. Two X-chromosomes
4. one Y-chromosome
one X-chromosomes
1. 1 smooth : 3 sugary
2. 3 smooth : 1 sugary
3. 1 smooth : 1 sugary
4. All sugary
3 smooth : 1 sugary
1. Qualitative
2. Quantitative
3. Hybridization
4. None of these
1. 1856-1863
2. 1868-1875
3. 1886-1893
4. 1900-1907