1. deletion
2. duplication
3. inversion
4. translocation
1. only father is colourblind
2. only mother is colourblind
3. mother is carrier and father is normal
4. mother is normal and father is colourblind
mother is carrier and father is normal
1. technique of arranging chromosomes of a cell based on their size
2. studing of human genetics
3. studing of nucleus
4. None of the above
technique of arranging chromosomes of a cell based on their size
1. rickets
2. hepatitis
3. albinism
4. leukemia
1. 5 parallel capillaries
2. 50 parallel capillaries
3. 500 parallel capillaries
4. 5000 parallel capillaries
5. More than 5000 parallel capillaries
50 parallel capillaries
1. below 35 years
2. above 35 years
3. during first pregnancy
4. in mothers of at least three children
above 35 years
1. Down’s syndrome
2. trisomy
3. Turner’s syndrome
4. Klinefelter’s syndrome
Klinefelter’s syndrome
1. Water and plasma proteins
2. Water and urea
3. Water, urea, glucose and inorganic salts
4. Water, urea, inorganic salts, lipids
Water, urea, glucose and inorganic salts
1. bisomy
2. trisomy
3. monosomy
4. polyploidy
1. In Bowman’s capsule
2. Around anterior tubules
3. Around loop of Henle
4. Not found
In Bowman’s capsule