1. Mustard
2. Sunflower
3. Guava
4. Calotropis
1. Base of stem
2. Nodes of the stem
3. Internodes of the stem
4. Both (B) and (C)
Base of stem
1. Annular
2. Pitted
3. Reticulate
4. Bordered pitted
1. Absorption of wtaer and minerals
2. Transport of water and food
3. Anchorage of plants into soil
4. Storage of food
Anchorage of plants into soil
1. Marginal
2. Basal
3. Axile
4. Parietal
1. Conduct water and minerals
2. Conduct food
3. Form structural framework
4. All of these
All of these
1. Alternate phyllotaxy
2. Whorled phyllotaxy
3. Opposite superposed phyllotaxy
4. Opposite decussate phyllotax
Whorled phyllotaxy
1. Gram
2. Ground nut
3. Castor
4. Pea
1. Imbricate
2. Valvate
3. Vexillary
4. Contorted
1. Haploid, gametophytic
2. Haploid, Sporophytic
3. Diploid, gametophytic
4. Diploid, Sporophytic
Diploid, Sporophytic