1.  Spleen

2.  Liver

3.  Kidney

4.  Thymus

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  viable seeds

2.  spores

3.  frozen sperms

4.  All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
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1.  a positive identification can be made

2.  multiple restriction enzyme digests/generates unique fragments

3.  the polymerase chain reaction amplifies fewer DNA

4.  the variability of repeated sequences between two restriction sites is evaluated

Correct Answer :

the variability of repeated sequences between two restriction sites is evaluated

Explanation :
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1.  minisatellite DNA

2.  moderately repetitive sequences

3.  microsatellite DNA

4.   satellite DNA

Correct Answer :

minisatellite DNA

Explanation :
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1.  It is coronary artery which has a cancerous growth that is being removed

2.  It is coronary artery which is blocked by a plaque and the same is being cracked

3.  It is coronary vein in which the defective valves are being opened

4.  It is coronary vein blocked by a parasite that is being removed

Correct Answer :

It is coronary artery which is blocked by a plaque and the same is being cracked

Explanation :
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1.  white blood corpuscles

2.  hair root cells

3.  body secretion

4.  All of the above

Correct Answer :

All of the above

Explanation :
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1.  Blood serum

2.  Sample from the thoracic duct of lymphatic system

3.  Whole blood from pulmonary vein

4.  Blood plasma

Correct Answer :

Blood plasma

Explanation :
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1.  identification of a person

2.  paternity dispute

3.  maternity dispute

4.   All of the above

Correct Answer :

All of the above

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

1.   Northern blotting

2.  Polymerase chain reaction

3.  Nesslerization

4.  Southern blotting

Correct Answer :

Northern blotting

Explanation :
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1.  Mitral valve

2.  Bicuspid valve

3.  Tricuspid valve

4.  Eustachian valve

Correct Answer :

Mitral valve

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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