1. Sphygmomanometer
2. Phonocardiogram
3. Electrocardiogram
4. Stethoscope
1. Arthropods
2. Cephalopods
3. Tunicates
4. Hemichordates
1. Crustaceans
2. Cyclostomes
3. Cnidarians
4. Chondricthythes
1. Sinu- auricular aperture
2. Auriculoventricular
3. Ostia
4. Osculum
1. Na+, K+, and Cl+2
2. Ca++, Mg++ and HCO3-
3. HPO4-2 and PO4-3
4. All of above
All of above
1. Haemoglobin
2. Carbonic anhydrase
3. Cl-
4. None of above
None of above
1. 3%
2. 0.5% to 1
3. 62%
4. 30%
1. 10-18 mm
2. 10-10 mm
3. 2-4 mm
4. 12-15 mm
10-18 mm
1. Blood to the lungs would be low in oxygen and the tissues would receive blood rich in oxygen
2. Blood to the lungs would be rich in oxygen and the tissues would receive blood is low in oxygen
3. Lungs and tissues would receive blood with the same amounts of oxygen
4. Tissues would receive completely oxygenated blood and lungs would receive complete deoxygenated blood
Lungs and tissues would receive blood with the same amounts of oxygen
1. Atrial contraction
2. Ventricular contraction
3. Ventricular relaxation
4. Atrial relaxation
Ventricular contraction