1. Sinu - auricular node
2. Sinu - ventricular node
3. Auriculo – ventricular node
4. Rt. Ventricle and Lt.ventricle nodes
Sinu - auricular node
1. Pacesetter
2. Pacemaker
3. Blood regulator
4. Blood colloid
1. Positive on outer surface and negative on the inner
2. Negative on outer surface and positive on the inner
3. Positive on both inner and outer surface
4. Negative on both inner and outer surface
Positive on outer surface and negative on the inner
1. A single semilunar valve
2. Three senilunar valves
3. Auriculo- ventricular valve
4. A sphincter
Auriculo- ventricular valve
1. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
2. Formation of prothrombin
3. conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
4. formation of thromboplastin
Formation of prothrombin
1. Right ventricle
2. Right auricle
3. Left ventricle
4. Left auricle
Left auricle
1. Pelvic vein
2. Renal portal vein
3. Renal vein
4. Anterior abdominal vein
Renal portal vein
1. Azygos vein
2. Anterior abdominal
3. Pulmonary vein
4. Custaneous vein
Pulmonary vein
1. Initiation of heart beat
2. Conduction of heart beat
3. Increased rate of heart beat
4. Release of acetylcholine
Increased rate of heart beat
1. Lamarck
2. William Harvey
3. Darwin
4. Hugo de Vries
William Harvey