1. Cavum pulmocutaneum
2. Synagium
3. Pylangium
4. Cavum aorticum
1. Subclavian artery
2. Oesophageal artery
3. Occipitovertebral
4. Dorsal aorta
Subclavian artery
1. RBC production will be lowered
2. Antibody production will be less
3. Filtration of dead RBC will not be there
4. WBC production will be lowered
Filtration of dead RBC will not be there
1. CO2 concentration in blood rises
2. O2 concentration in blood rises
3. O2 concentration in blood falls considerably
4. Diet provides insufficient amount of vitamin B12
O2 concentration in blood falls considerably
1. The capillaries around the alveoli
2. The left atrium of the heart
3. The left atrium of the heart
4. The arteries
The arteries
1. Veins of portal system
2. Veins bringing the blood from head
3. Arteries
4. Capillaries
1. Capillaries
2. Veins
3. Arteries
4. Arterioles
1. Elephant
2. Whale
3. Man
4. Mouse
1. Plasmocytes
2. Megablasts
3. Osteoblasts
4. Reticular cells and hemocytoblasts
Reticular cells and hemocytoblasts
1. Head and hind limbs
2. Forelimbs and hind limbs
3. Head and fore limbs
4. Trunk and fore limbs
Head and fore limbs