1. synthesis of enzyme of lactose anabolism
2. synthesis of enzyme of lactose catabolism
3. synthesis of lac insect
4. degradation of lac in the body of lac-insect
synthesis of enzyme of lactose catabolism
1. amino acid activating enzyme
2. essential metabolite
3. inactive repression protein
4. catabolite activator protein
catabolite activator protein
1. Increase in size
2. Increase in shape
3. Increase in weight
4. Permanent increase in dry weight accompanied by permanent increase in weight, size and volume
Permanent increase in dry weight accompanied by permanent increase in weight, size and volume
1. Exponential phase
2. Lag phase
3. Stationary phase
4. Senescence phase
Exponential phase
1. Auxins
2. Cytokinins
3. Gibberellins
4. Ethylene
1. At the base of various plant organs
2. In growing tips of plants
3. In leaves
4. In xylem and phloem cells organs
In growing tips of plants
1. Cucumis
2. Cucurbita
3. Carica
4. Coccinia
1. Starch
2. Ethylene
3. IAA
4. Abscisic acid
Abscisic acid
1. Destructive processes are more than constructive ones
2. Destructive processes constructive processes are equal
3. Constructive processes are more than destructive processes
4. Only anabolic processes occur, no catabolic processes
Constructive processes are more than destructive processes
1. Meristematic cells
2. Mature cells
3. In aerial parts only
4. By growing points scattered all over the body
5. By growing points confined to certain regions of plant
Meristematic cells