1. Only ATP is produced
2. Only NADH2 is produced
3. Both ATP and NADH2 is produced
4. Neither ATP nor NADH2 is produced
Both ATP and NADH2 is produced
1. Two CO2 molecules are released
2. Three NAD+ molecules and one FAD molecule are reduced
3. One GTP molecule is produced
4. 38 ATP molecule is produced
38 ATP molecule is produced
1. Green plant
2. autotroph
3. anaerobe
4. aerobic organism
1. Reduces respiration
2. Increases respiration
3. Does not have any effect
4. Leads to bursting of cell
Reduces respiration
1. CO2 forms carbonate rocks
2. CO2 is a buffer
3. CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates
4. CO2 is split up during photosynthesis
CO2 is converted in photosynthesis to carbohydrates
1. 6
2. 8
3. 2
4. 38
1. Succinate dehydrogenase
2. Cytochrosome oxidase
3. ATP synthetase
4. Ubiquinone
Cytochrosome oxidase
1. A.Todd
2. H. Theorell
3. Fruit Lipmann
4. Linus Pauling
Fruit Lipmann
1. Lactic acid and alcohol
2. CO2
3. Ethyl alcohol +CO2
4. Butyl alcohol
Lactic acid and alcohol
1. NADH donates electrons to the ETS
2. Begins with glucose
3. Net gain of only 2 ATP
4. Occurs in cytosol
NADH donates electrons to the ETS