1. More of the ATP in a normal cell is forms by oxidative phosphorylation via the electron transport chain than by substrate level phosphorylation
2. In eukaryotes, the formation of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation requires that the inner mitochondrial membrane remains intact
3. NAD is a carrier molecules that travels down the electron transport chain to release ATP during oxidative phosphorylation
4. In eukaryotes, the electron transport chain and the enzymes of the citric cycle are located in mitochonidria whereas the enzymes of glycolysis are located in the cytoplasm
5. The role of oxygen is to act as acceptor for electrons
NAD is a carrier molecules that travels down the electron transport chain to release ATP during oxidative phosphorylation
1. ATP
2. ADP
3. Protein
4. Monohexose phosphate
1. Glycolysis
2. Anaerobic respiration
3. Kerbs’ cycle
4. Fermentation
1. 3 (NADH2), 1FADH2, 2GTP
2. 4 (NADH2), 1GTP
3. 2 (NADH2), 2FADH2, 1GTP
4. 3 (NADH2), 1FADH2, 1GTP
3 (NADH2), 1FADH2, 1GTP
1. Three
2. Six
3. Four
4. One
1. Oxalosuccinic citric acid
2. Oxaloacetic acid
3. Citric acid
4. Ketoglutaric acid
Oxaloacetic acid
1. More than one
2. Less than one
3. One
4. Infinity
More than one
1. NADPH2 in respiration
2. ATP in respiration
3. NADH2 in photosynthensis
4. ATP in photosynthesis
ATP in respiration
1. Physical energy
2. Chemical energy
3. Kinetic energy
4. Radial energy
Chemical energy
1. Cytoplasm
2. Endoplasmic reticulum
3. Perinuclear space
4. Golgi body