1.  amino group of the first amino acid (methionine) with the carboxyl group of the second, producing a peptide bound and releasing a molecule of water

2.  carboxyl group of the first amino acid (methionine) with that of the second, producing a peptide bond and releasing a molecule of water

3.  carboxyl group of the first amino acid (methionine) with the amino group of the second, producing a peptide bound and releasing a molecule of water

4.  carboxyl group of the first amino acid (methionine) with the amino group of the second, producing a peptide bound and releasing a molecule of water

Correct Answer :

carboxyl group of the first amino acid (methionine)

with the amino group of the second, producing a

peptide bound and releasing a molecule of water

Explanation :
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1.  they have a morphological and chemical identity, which persists

2.  they can truly replicated themselves

3.  chromosomal structural changes and duplications and deletions of chromosomal segments lead to distinct phenotypic and biochemical changes

4.  All of the above

Correct Answer :

All of the above

Explanation :
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1.  the base sequence is the same either way

2.  the base sequence is the same either way

3.  they have only one base

4.  they have only one codon

Correct Answer :

the base sequence is the same either way

Explanation :
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1.  DNA to RNA

2.  RNA to DNA

3.  mRNA to an amino acid sequence

4.  the nucleus to the cytoplasm

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  It consists of three nucleotides

2.  It is the basic unit of the genetic code

3.  It extends from one end of a tRNA molecule

4.  It may pair with more than one codon, especially if it has the base inosine in its third poition

Correct Answer :

It is the basic unit of the genetic code

Explanation :
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1.  is the protein responsible for the production of ribonucleotides

2.  is the enzyme that creates hydrogen bonds between nucleotides on the DNA template strand and their complementary RNA nucleotides

3.  is the enzyme that transcribes exons but does not transcribe introns

4.  begins transcription at a promoter sequence and moves along the template strand of DNA, elongating the RNA molecule in a 5' – 3' direction

Correct Answer :

begins transcription at a promoter sequence and moves

along the template strand of DNA, elongating the RNA

molecule in a 5' – 3' direction

Explanation :
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1.  Limbs

2.  Tail

3.  External gills

4.   All of these

Correct Answer :

External gills

Explanation :
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1.  Limbs

2.  Tail

3.  External gills

4.  All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
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1.  Pattern

2.  Storer

3.  Trembley

4.  Carison

Correct Answer :


Explanation :
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1.  Beak in birds

2.  Tail in lizards

3.  Fins in fishes

4.  All of these

Correct Answer :

All of these

Explanation :
No Explanation available for this question

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