1. C3 plants
2. All plants
3. Algae only
4. C4 plants
C3 plants
1. Hatch – Slack cycle
2. Photophosphorylation
3. Blackman’s law of limiting factor
4. Calvin cycle
Hatch – Slack cycle
1. Temperature
2. Light intensity
3. Light quality
4. Light duration
Light duration
1. Does not operate because PEP carboxylase fixes most of the CO2 and leaves a little of it for calvin cycle
2. Operates in the stroma of bundle sheath
3. Operates in the grana of bundle sheath chloroplast
4. Operates in the mesophyll chloroplast only
Operates in the stroma of bundle sheath
1. Photosynthesis and respiration are completely inhibited
2. Rate of respiration is reduced
3. Rate of photosynthesis is reduced
4. Rate of photosynthesis and respiration are reduced
Rate of photosynthesis and respiration are reduced
1. Activate chlorophyll
2. Split water
3. Reduce CO2
4. Synthesise glucose
Split water
1. 640 nm
2. 440 nm
3. 680 nm
4. 700 nm
680 nm
1. 8
2. 6
3. 4
4. 2
1. Photosynthesis
2. Growth
3. Cell wall
4. None of these
1. Increase in size
2. Increase in weight
3. Synthesis in new protoplasm
4. All of the above
All of the above