1. Morbidity
2. Biotic potential
3. Fecundity
4. Environmental resistance
Environmental resistance
1. Carboxymutase
2. Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase
3. Peroxidase
4. Phosphoentokinase
Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase
1. Natality
2. Unlimited food
3. Adaptability
4. Interspecific activity
1. Open populations
2. Closed populations
3. Both (a) and (b)
4. None of these
Open populations
1. The respiratory quotient
2. Temperature co- efficient
3. Constrant in quantum equation
4. A scale of quality
Temperature co- efficient
1. Starvation
2. Emigration
3. Cannibalism
4. Increased natality rate
Increased natality rate
1. Declined growth
2. Exponential growth
3. Zero population growth
4. None of these
Exponential growth
1. 5 phases
2. 4 phases
3. 3 phases
4. None of these
5 phases
1. Stacks of thylakoids in plastids of higher plants
2. A constant in quantum equation
3. Glycolysis of glucose
4. By- product of photosynthesis
Stacks of thylakoids in plastids of higher plants
1. Natality
2. Biotic potential
3. Amniocentesis
4. Carrying capacity
Biotic potential