1. Priestly
2. Von Helmont
3. Ingenhousz
4. De Saussure
1. And decomposition of water
2. Of CO2 and water
3. Of light and photolysis of water
4. Of strong light in the form of chemical energy
Of light and photolysis of water
1. Lenticels
2. Hydathodes
3. Stomata
4. General surface of leaves
1. Respiratory quotient
2. Photosynthetic quotient
3. Tidal volume
4. Expiratory reserve volume
Photosynthetic quotient
1. ATP
2. O2
4. All the above
All the above
1. Nitrogen
2. Chlorine
3. Carbon
4. Oxygen
1. Photochemical phase
2. Photolysis
3. Photophosphorylation
4. Dark reaction
Dark reaction
1. Guard cells
2. Spongy mesophyll
3. Palisade tissue
4. Bundle sheath
Spongy mesophyll
1. ATP is formed
2. ATP is not formed
3. O2 is evolved from CO2
4. Water does not join the process
ATP is formed
1. Grana
2. Stroma
3. Lamella
4. Unit membrane